Fotografia de cartões com uma árvore e ao lado uma flor simbolo da Páscoa.

We have two weeks left for Easter and we already have the decoration prepared for that day. Traditionally, we spent the day as a family, and we like to gather at lunchtime to share stories of the wanderings of life.

This year, we prepared a special decoration with white flowers. We chose the Calla Lily .

They are so elegant that only one is enough to make the table beautiful.

These flowers bloomed with drops of sweat in the garden of Gethsemane at the  Mount of Olives in Jerusalem after the Cruxification of Christ.

They are flowers that appear at this time of year, have the symbology of peace, purity, and still the Resurrection of Christ. They remind us how the Resurrection continues to happen in the life cycle, in our lives and around us.

And we want to create something that breaks the ordinary and that can add a conversation around the table about an event that changed our lives.

You can also decorate the cups of your lunch table with the word “Aleluia”! Something symbolic and that will, certainly, give funny conversations!

We believe that a great way to bring God into the world is to gather and reach others.

We encourage the celebration of this Easter not only within the walls of the church, but to flow into the homes.

What are your favorite Easter traditions to celebrate the resurrection of Christ?

Treze | Adereços Religiosos

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