The Biggest Challenge of 2018

We finished 2018 with the biggest challenge of the year!

And we could not put it off for 2019 at all.

As a rule, we always take advantage of the end of the year to clean our “house” and to rest, but last December brought us another service of personalization of color – the biggest challenge of 2018 – and we would say, a special Christmas!

Our study of color customization is structuring: the story that the client brings to us is of fundamental importance.

Concern for results is always what drives us to the construction of color. Here in the factory, we like to “argue”, to be stubborn and enthusiastic. We know that this form of complicity is what creates the right condition for true color customization, for true customer service.

In focus was the color red; the history of a footballing belief, its longevity and the interest to recover the symbology of faith.

Red, with the traditional method rethought but created from the same formula, affirming its expression and density, in order to add value.

Treze | Adereços Religiosos

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