It is very common to observe that prayers are present in any manifestation of faith, and with the most different intentions that have words directed to certain intentions: it can be a thank you, a request to be made, a request for protection, among others. The word ‘prayer’ includes two aspects: pray + action. It
Give thanks. Always thanks everything. Focus on the blessings you’ve already received, think about all the good in your life, make a list, because we tend to forget our victories and value our failures too much. “Come to the foot of this altar: there graces will be poured out on all people, great and small,
So many that we are “praying with the saints” but is it allowed to “pray to the saints”? Of course yes! Because we can feel closer to our humanity and motivated to pray. However, as important as knowing the correct answer is understanding why it is the correct one and what are the own doubts
DISCOVER AND REFLECT ON THE PROMISES OF THE SACRED HEART Sit in a quiet space, free from distractions. Read each Sacred Heart Promise. Write down the ways in which you are struggling to believe each of these promises. Feel these Promises in every situation where you feel hopeless. MAKE HEART FIRE DESSERTS Craft a fruit
We feel rested when we are in places where love is present. We feel rested when we slow down and don’t let the rhythm of the world become our rhythm. When we talk to God. When (finally) we hear each other. More than the vital organ, devotion must be seen as an extension of human
There are 5 days left for the Day of Our Lady of Carmo. The weekend has passed. Have you rested, paused or tanned? So, we now invite you to address a fervent prayer to Her, so that She, with her intercession, may help you to proceed safely on the path of life and to happily
This time, we bring 3 mega different concepts from each other for you to understand that it is possible to innovate this art. We bring another article to the Blog to show you how a single product can have so many different aesthetics! Soft, young, colorful and handcrafted A sensitive, joyful, creative and passionate concept
In the Catholic Church, June is the month of saints because it celebrates the day of the three saints, which are: Saint Anthony, Saint John and Saint Peter. They are part of the traditional festivals of the villages, from the north to the south of the country, and attract thousands of locals and tourists from
During the first 13 days of June, we always put all our faith in a three-day Saint Anthony. The goal is, of course, for all the blessings to befall us! There are thirteen days in a row, or if you prefer 13 Mondays, or Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, in which you can say prayers in praise
Last April we celebrated Easter, one of the religious festivals of immense emotion and faith. In May we had the celebrations with many feasts of Our Lady of Fátima. And in June, do we have celebrations? “Ah! If we have!” When the month of June arrives, the feasts of popular saints multiply in the four