In everyday life there are some challenges that cross paths. It takes all of strength and courage to handle it. By faith in God and by love, make faith colorful! When looking at this amulet set, dedicated to the youngest, we know that, through the inexplicable magic of life, gifts are created that help to
It is very common to observe that prayers are present in any manifestation of faith, and with the most different intentions that have words directed to certain intentions: it can be a thank you, a request to be made, a request for protection, among others. The word ‘prayer’ includes two aspects: pray + action. It
Give thanks. Always thanks everything. Focus on the blessings you’ve already received, think about all the good in your life, make a list, because we tend to forget our victories and value our failures too much. “Come to the foot of this altar: there graces will be poured out on all people, great and small,
So many that we are “praying with the saints” but is it allowed to “pray to the saints”? Of course yes! Because we can feel closer to our humanity and motivated to pray. However, as important as knowing the correct answer is understanding why it is the correct one and what are the own doubts
DISCOVER AND REFLECT ON THE PROMISES OF THE SACRED HEART Sit in a quiet space, free from distractions. Read each Sacred Heart Promise. Write down the ways in which you are struggling to believe each of these promises. Feel these Promises in every situation where you feel hopeless. MAKE HEART FIRE DESSERTS Craft a fruit
We feel rested when we are in places where love is present. We feel rested when we slow down and don’t let the rhythm of the world become our rhythm. When we talk to God. When (finally) we hear each other. More than the vital organ, devotion must be seen as an extension of human
And then there’s art: for more than two millennia, religious stories and images have been reinterpreted by artists and storytellers in all creative mediums. This is a project and work in progress that we have been doing since 2015 and is inspired by themes like Faith, Hope and Love, which reflect a contemporary vision of
We always have the idea that innovating is creating something amazing, something that has never been seen before. But sometimes, innovating is doing something for someone that no one else has done! Making a good experience from the service to the delivery of the “box” is BRANDING. It’s part of the brand. It’s the root
September arrives and this month we believe is special for many of us because it means getting back to the routine. The month of September was marked in our childhood memories, as the month of receiving the new backpack, new books, pens, pencils… This week, as we begin the preparation for another end of the
On June 25th we celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was a beautiful opportunity to contemplate the beautiful heart of Mary – her “yes” to bring Jesus into the world, her motherhood. And, how can we imitate his “yes” to bring her gesture to our world? LISTEN AND CONTEMPLATE IT WITH