How to make an altar?

When we first heard the term home altar, we felt a little scared, didn’t we? We don’t know what to do, and the idea of ​​setting up an official “altar” always seems beyond our reach. Home altars are sometimes also referred to as family altars, prayer tables, or altar tables. Don’t let those names scare

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Your faith in color

We created this collection to celebrate Portugal and the thousands of young people who visit us and fill the country with their Faith, Color and Joy. The idea behind the campaign – Your Faith in Colors – is, in essence, the story of Treze. “I remember that, at the age of 6, when I saw

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Make faith colorful

In everyday life there are some challenges that cross paths. It takes all of strength and courage to handle it. By faith in God and by love, make faith colorful! When looking at this amulet set, dedicated to the youngest, we know that, through the inexplicable magic of life, gifts are created that help to

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How to clean “Treze” art pieces?

Dust is the worst enemy for the conservation of Treze art – and other dirt from the outside, for example, are also unexpected allies. These are the reasons that bring us another article to the Blog: a small guide on the maintenance of this modern art, better known as #faithwithcolor! We take on the delicate

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The importance of prayer

It is very common to observe that prayers are present in any manifestation of faith, and with the most different intentions that have words directed to certain intentions: it can be a thank you, a request to be made, a request for protection, among others. The word ‘prayer’ includes two aspects: pray + action. It

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Giving thanks is also part of prayer

Give thanks. Always thanks everything. Focus on the blessings you’ve already received, think about all the good in your life, make a list, because we tend to forget our victories and value our failures too much. “Come to the foot of this altar: there graces will be poured out on all people, great and small,

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