The importance of prayer

It is very common to observe that prayers are present in any manifestation of faith, and with the most different intentions that have words directed to certain intentions: it can be a thank you, a request to be made, a request for protection, among others.

The word ‘prayer’ includes two aspects: pray + action. It is not enough just to pray and not just to act, it is necessary to unite both to strengthen in faith.

“Prayer needs an atmosphere of silence which does not coincide with detachment from external noise, but is inner experience, which aims to remove the distractions caused by the soul’s concerns, creating silence in the soul itself.”

Saint Anthony

Lady of All Graces This is the faith art with color that reminds you of the importance of always giving thanks: – thanking the good and thanking the less good – thank you during the day or thank you at night!

The power of prayer is in the trust we have that it will reach our god or even the intercessory saint and that our request is being heard. To pray is to surrender our presence and ask that we be guided, with meaning, in our actions and thoughts.

Saying a prayer is like caring for those who look after us, protect us, and who gave us the gift of life.

Treze, 2022.

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